
At IABC we are privileged and blessed to share the Good News of Christ with those around us.
To accomplish this, we need lots of smiling faces and willing hands.

Children's Staff: Part-Time

Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and potentially other hours as needed to meet ministry needs.

PS / PDO Teacher: Part-Time

Mon. - Thurs.: 8:30 am - 2:45 pm

Facilities Staff: Part-Time

Current shift needed: Mon.-Wed. 8a-5p.
Shifts can also vary: select availability on application.

Morning Office Assistant: Part-Time

Mon.-Fri.: 8a - 1p (20-25)
occassional Sunday morning
(about once a quarter).


Afternoon Office Assistant: Part-Time

Mon.-Thurs.: 12:30 - 5p & Fri.: 8a - 1p (20-25)

occassional Sunday morning
(about once a quarter).


Background Check

To provide the best work and ministry opporutnities IABC conducts background checks for all positions.