2024 IABC Annual Report
2024 IABC Annual Report
Jesus told us to "Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation". Our heart's desire is to fulfill this command every day and make a difference in our community. It has been an amazing year and we want to share some of these moments with you.
Letter From Pastor Steve McMeans
Dear Church Family,
We have much to be thankful for here at IABC! We have seen God do some incredible things among us this past year. Here is just a short list of what's been going on at IABC.
We have baptized 167 people this year
We started an 8:30 worship service to help accommodate more people attending church
Our Children's Ministry has seen kids grow in their faith through VBS, Camp, and the new Kids Mid-Week program
Our Youth Ministry grew on Wednesday nights and had multiple decisions for Christ at D-Now and Camp
Our College Ministry continued to grow and reach many students for Jesus and help them walk in their faith
We had more people attending, serving, and growing as believers
We are so excited about what the Lord has done and how He has worked in our church! We can't wait to see what He has in store for 2025. Thank you for being a part of how God is moving in our church!
Steve McMeans
Glorifying God
I will praise God's name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30 (NASB)
Weekly Attendance
Attending church allows believers to worship God together and be taught His Word. We have added 224 members to our IABC family. On average, 1,703 people joined us for worship across all six Sunday services, an increase of 9% from last year.
"I have been attending IABC since our family moved back to Lubbock in 2008" This church has become my family and I enjoy all the fellowship opportunities!"
Amber Layton
Member since 2008
" Looking back on the years we’ve been a part of IABC has made us realize how truly blessed we are to be a part of this community of believers. The gradual changes we’ve made in our daily lives over the years have been all thanks to the amazing leaders and friends that we’ve made at church. Thinking about all of the people who have touched our lives and influenced us in many ways makes us so thankful that we chose to join the church when we did. Raising our kids to love Jesus is all we have ever wanted and IABC provides an amazing culture for that. Thanks to God leading us to IABC, we have gotten involved with many Bible studies, groups, and our Sunday school class lead by Lane and Karen Salvato. This class has been instrumental in not only learning how to raise our family in Christ, but also in giving us accountability and encouragement through life's many hills and valleys. We are so grateful to take part in every aspect of our church, because we know ultimately it will bring God glory and bring us closer to Him"
Mitch Henson
Member since 2018
Highlights of 2024 at IABC!
Growing Believers
For this reason, we also, since the day we heard about it, have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spirital wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.
Colossians 1:9-10a (NASB)
"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."
Matthew 18:20
Adult Ministry
Our Wednesday Night Discipleship Groups had an increase of 14% from last year.
Over 20 plus Small Groups are available to meet the needs of our growing believers.
Childrens Ministry
Over 250 children and 100 volunteers heard the gospel in VBS.
Over 70 campers and volunteers' lives were impacted through intense discipleship.
We also launched Kids Midweek, a discipleship program on Wednesday nights focused on Bible memory, music, and mission.
College Ministry
119 students have been baptized in 2024.
2,277 students attended Fall Kickoff.
Mens Ministry
Our Men's Ministry is continuously adding more men across all ages to come together to share life experiences and seek guidance for each other.
Men's Ministry weekly events has grown approximately 50% more than last year.
Renewed Ministry
Renewed Ministry for those 55 and over continues to connect and grow with each other.
Renewed had a great turn out at their Annual Spring Banquet!
Womens Ministry
Mom to Mom continues to flourish and reach young moms across Lubbock.
90 ladies came together at Retreat 2024, Abide, where we focused on John 15:4-5.
Youth Ministry
425 students attended Fall Kickoff and weekly attendance on Wednesdays has nearly doubled from last year!
There were 22 youth Baptisms this year and attendance for DNOW, camp, and Fall Retreat all increased.
Reaching People
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19 (NASB)
-- Baptisms: 167 --
-- Growth in Members: 224 --
-- Get Involved --
2024 - 2025 Budget
Increase of
in households giving over 2023.
Because of your giving, we sent over
to outside mission organizations
2024-2025 budget of
was used to provide programs for the church, maintain our beautiful property, facilities, and staffing needs.