Adult Discipleship 

Tuesday Classes

Men's Bible Study

7:00 am & Noon

Led by Tommy Martin

in the Conference Room

We will look at one man from the Bible each week and see what we can learn about following God and dealing with the issues of life

Wednesday Classes at 6:15 pm

Wednesay Night Seminary

Led by Pastor Steve McMeans

in the Commons

Not all questions are easy! For example, what evidence do we have for believing the Bible? What about apparent conflicts between Science & the Bible? What about Homosexual and Transgender issues? These and other touchy topics will be addressed in this class.

Discipleship Explored (Men)

Led by Robert Lieb

in room 116

Men, please join us for this study from RightNow Media with Barry Cooper. This journey through Paul's letter to the Phillippians will help believers of all ages discover the greatest love anyone could ever know, and how to live as disciples of Jesus Christ today.

Money Life - Personal Finance

Led by Christian Ormord

in room 113

book $15

Inspirational. Relational. Highly practical. This program will meet you where you are, regardless of your financial situation, and help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. It will increase your knowledge of His financial principles and show you how to apply them in your personal financial decisions.

Parenting & Technology

Led by Tommy & Mary Ann Martin, and Jon & Brittany Rutherford

in room 112

book $5

How do we raise children in a tech-obsessed environment? What is safe? What limits are reasonable? How do we parent in a social media age? Come explore these questions with us. We will use multiple resources including Kirk Cameron's class called "Engage."

Woman To Woman

Led by Karen Salvato, Suzie Hartsfield, and Rachel Hilliard

in room 111

book $10

The Bible reveals many fascinating names and titles for God that can yield rich insights for Bible study. We can experience God in fresh ways by encountering His names and titles in the Scriptures and by learning about the biblical and cultural context in which these were revealed. What better way to understand the richness and fullness of God than to explore

who He says He is.

Thursday Classes

Men's Prayer Group

7:00 am in the Conference Room

Join other men from IABC as we pray for the needs of our church family

The Forge (Men)

6:15 pm in the Conference Room

Led by George Garner & Mark McVay

This study is to ignite a passion for knowing Christ personally, following Him sacrificially, obeying Him willingly and helping others become disciples of Christ